We promote respect, diversity and fairness; we listen and learn to make the most of each person and our rich diversity. From gender, ethnicity, background, and experience to lifestyle and family responsibilities, we work with a broad definition of diversity and strive to increase the representation of all facets of life to reflect the global marketplace we operate in.
Diversity can only flourish with inclusion. Inclusion begins with establishing a safe environment in which everyone is seen, heard, valued and respected. Inclusion helps all of us to develop and empower each other to contribute to our full potential. Gescan is committed to establishing and maintaining a climate of trust that makes associates feel comfortable in asking questions or raising concerns.
Our priorities & commitments
Gescan is committed to valuing differences and improving representation within our organization. Our priorities include building inclusive behaviours while improving representation with processes and ways of working to ensure equal opportunities for all.

No compromises on compliance & integrity
At Gescan, compliance is everyone’s responsibility. As a member of Sonepar, we’re committed to the highest ethical, social and environmental standards and always aim to behave responsibly. In 2019, Sonepar became the first group in France to have been officially declared compliant with all the requirements of France’s Sapin II anti-corruption laws and has rolled out all of the measures and procedures required.

The Sonepar Group Code of Conduct is regularly updated with latest regulatory developments, best practices and Sonepar’s corruption and influence-peddling risk mapping. It is available in 20 different languages.

Sonepar’s Code of Conduct and its related Policies and Procedures are part of a comprehensive Compliance Program, which also includes educational and information campaigns, risk mapping, reporting, whistleblowing, evaluation of business partners, books and records obligations, assessments and audits.

We have high standards of ethical, social and environmental behaviours from our suppliers and their supply chain. To ensure the rights and well-being of everyone involved in the electrical products we distribute, we’ve implemented procedures and tools designed to assess the integrity of our business partners.

We've established a whistleblowing policy to provide a way for those who are aware of circumstances or behaviours which they believe, in good faith, could represent violations of Sonepar’s Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct, Policies and Procedures and/or applicable laws and regulations, to identify and share those concerns.
Gescan is a family like no other offering an inclusive, encouraging and rewarding environment to grow your career, your way.
Innovative thinking and a comprehensive e-commerce site and app have made us one of the top electrical distributors.