DANDY LOADMISERâ„¢ energy divider controller. EEMAC 3R enclosure. Specifically designed as a load saving device, to be used where non-essential load is connected to an essential load circuit. Load saver cuts off power to the non-essential circuit only. Reducing load saves service upgrades. Adjustable 5 to 50 Amp of the circuit upstream rating. Easy to install for new and existing installations, simply connect in series of the existing load. Optional time of day clock prevents non-essential load from operation on/off hour, increasing energy savings and allowing non-essential load to operate on/off time energy availability. Sensing has adjustable 5 to 50 second time delay action to prevent rapid load cycling. Sensing is on only L1. To avoid nuisance tripping if loads are unbalanced add second phase current sensor option. CSA certified assembly.