The REL637 is the newest, most efficient, and advanced LED retrofit modules from ELITE Lighting. It’s unique design delivers color quality above a 90 CRI rating. The color matching has never been so close, with a binning as low as 3-step MacAdams ellipses. The REL637 LED retrofits meet all new mandatory California Title 24 requirements.The Elite REL637 LED Module has been engineered for new constructions to meet Title-24’s “No Edison Socket” mandate. The Elite REL637 LED system works in our dedicated (LD6IC-AT, LD6RIC-AT, LD5IC-AT, and LD5RIC-AT) housings and our existing 6” Incandescent housings (B6ICAT, EZ6IC-AT, B26IC-AT, B26RIC-AT, B6RIC-AT) but is also suitable for using in most 6” and 5” Incandescent recessed downlight housings in the market