The nPODM Series WallPods are nLight-enabled toggle and/or raise/lower switches that provide a user with local control of a lighting zone. These single gang decorator style devices have soft-click buttons and have a green LED indicator for each button. WallPods communicate with other nLight devices via a CAT-5e cable that connects to one of its two RJ-45 connectors. A basic low voltage WallPod can work with an nLight power pack or nLight enabled fixture to provide toggle switch operation. WallPods with the DX option have the added ability to adjust the level of any nLight controlled dimmable lighting. FEATURES:• Communicates with nLight network• Remotely configurable/upgradeable• Soft-click push-button control• Custom button engraving • 2 channel on/off• On/off + raise/lower control• “Dynamic” options for custom button names when pairing with Acuity Brands nTUNE fixtures